Elizabeth Miri | The Monarch Ranger
POLAND – The Ukraine-Russia conflict seemed to come out of nowhere and escalated quickly. With all the stories of tragedy, homes being destroyed, and families fleeing, it can make us wonder if there is any human goodness left in the world. Although this conflict is a tragedy, the generosity and kindness of the Polish people has been brought to light.
González Morales, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, wrote in an official statement after visiting Poland that “we must pay tribute to Polish citizens who have shown solidarity and generosity to Ukrainian refugees.” Poland alone has taken in over two million refugees, and as the war continues, that number is approaching three million.
Lines of baby strollers were left for mothers with small children at the train stations by anonymous strangers.
As of July 2022, Ukrainians make up approximately 8% of Poland’s population. While there was not a policy or mandate requiring the Polish people to take refugees into their homes, the Polish people welcomed the refugees anyway. They did not abandon their neighbors, even though there were millions of them in need.
Because the Polish people knew that those fleeing the war would arrive with almost nothing other than the clothes on their backs, they thoughtfully donated comforts at train stations.
Lines of baby strollers were left for mothers with small children at the train stations by anonymous strangers. Along with strollers, many also left other supplies, such as diapers, toys, and walking aids for the elderly.
The simple actions of the Polish citizens to help their fellow neighbors are a shining light in such a dark tragedy. The kind hearts of the Polish people have shown how the actions of ordinary people can make an extraordinary difference.
It is rare that we see such a great example of how the collective actions of many individuals can make such a big difference. One can only imagine what would have happened if the kindness of the Polish people hadn't manifested. Even if they could only help one person or donate one item, they all felt a duty to try.
In the words of Mother Teresa: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
Together, we are very powerful, and we can inspire others to make meaningful change in the world. Through all the strife in the world today, through all the conflict that is happening around us, we shouldn’t forget that we have the power to change it.